DEC. 2, 2024 THRU JAN. 15, 2025
2024-2025 Safekey Registration
The next school year starts Aug. 12, 2024, and the city of Las Vegas invites your children to enjoy another year of fun and engaging programming. Safekey registration is online only and will open for the new school year Tuesday, July 23, at 9 a.m. New families may create an account and register by accessing the portal below.
(for New Customers)
Families who already have an account may log in to their online account and register by accessing the Connect Portal below. Families should click on the Registration tab in their online account and must select the specific school that their child will be attending. Remember to update your child’s grade.
(for Returning Customers and Safekey Payments)
We are excited to introduce our original, dual-language elementary education program to the Las Vegas community! Strong Start Academy Elementary School at The Tony Hsieh Education Center is a new charter school, sponsored by the City of Las Vegas, opening this fall in the downtown area! According to the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine, students who participate in bilingual programs outperform similar students in a traditional, monolingual setting. Regardless of their background, native English speakers, students of low socioeconomic status, or ESL students, our goal is to gift ALL of our students with a higher quality education that also focuses on producing bilingual and biliterate learners in English and Spanish, giving them twice the knowledge, educational value and success in their future.